The benefits of instruction guides

What netoftrees means for you
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Instruction guides can emulate experts.
An instruction guide will take your workflow operator by the hand and walk them, step by step, through collecting data or material from many sources with different techniques, then running actions on what's been assembled, to finally generating results or reports. Accommodating detours and pitfalls; security, compliance or cultural hurdles, and any permutations and variations thereof. Reducing pressure on your staff, mistakes, time and costs.
Shorten training
Someone could walk in off the street - and right away start producing results.
If your expert knowledge is in a simple to use knowledge bank available as step-by-step guides you don't have to transfer your knowledge from person to person, you can share it. So a new starter can get productive very quickly. Shorten training, covering recruitment shortfalls.
Reducing stress
Clear direction - less doubt, fewer mistakes, less time lost.
Instruction guides are simplified into discrete steps. They are presented to your operators, one at a time, with just the information needed to complete that step. By simplifying and focusing you reduce information and choice overload. Less stress, mistakes and the subsequent firefighting. Saving on time and costs.
Eternalising expertise
Lock in expert knowledge - prevent its loss with staff turnover.
Netoftrees was designed to manage unlimited knowledge and be accurate, to support your experts, not replace them. Take advantage of that, lock in all the knowledge you can, insure yourself against expert staff loss, so when they leave, their knowledge remains. Saving on training, time and costs.
Adapting fast
Scale to emergencies quickly - adapt to changes fast.
Instruction guides will run in a browser. Unlike PDFs where workflow operators might have a local copy. It is easy to edit your instruction guides. So when new circumstances, laws or emergencies arise, they can be added quickly to the instruction guides and the operators using them will seamlessly move to the updated processes. Shorten training, save time and costs.
Covering edge-cases
Add edge-cases - at the point of encounter.
Define the best ways to deal with edge-cases, so a new starter can breeze through any scenario. Instruction guides can be tailored to meet all the variance operators could find in the field, without duplication of instructions. This is practically impossible with flat documents like PDFs. Saving on time and costs.
Full history
Full operator workflow history.
If you know where and why things went wrong, you can prevent them next time. Saving on time and costs.
Summary of the benefits
- Reduce your costs - mistakes, time spent.
- Improve the workflow operator experience - and satisfaction.
- Increase your competitiveness - useful when facing a global recession.
- Unlock your growth - when workflow operators take months or years to train.